Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Kentucky Derby 146 Rescheduled to September 5, 2020

Kentucky Derby 146 has been rescheduled from May 2, 2020 to September 5, 2020. The COVID-19 (novella coronavirus) pandemic of 2020 has caused cancellations of events worldwide due to widespread infections, hospitalizations and deaths. Even now on the 15th of April, having the Derby in September seems unlikely as almost all of the states in America have stay-at-home orders in force and positive cases and deaths have not yet consistently declined. Replacement tickets are being issued and reimbursements are being offered as well. If COVID-19 does indeed become a manageable outbreak, I will most likely attend in September. I, like all of you out there, will be watching the news as it comes out.

Here are the official details from

Be Well!
